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Award-Winning Technology Backed by People Who Care

Credit Score

Credit Score

Meet growing customer demand for credit scores and reports within your digital platform.



Access real-time credit data to surface insights and drive strategic loan growth.


Offer Engine

Increase conversions with targeted tools, while making your offers more visible.


Loan Application UX

Drive customer engagement through money-saving offers and streamlined applications.


Pre-Approved Marketing

Transform pre-screened lending into a frictionless, personalized digital experience.


Financial Education

Empower your customers to make better financial decisions through customized educational content.

The SavvyMoney Difference

The SavvyMoney difference.

Robust credit score solutions, financial personalization, and easy integration — all backed by our hands-on service. Find out why nearly 1000 banks, credit unions, and fintechs partner with us to help strengthen and deepen their customer relationships.

Hear from our Partners

“SavvyMoney is my absolute favorite product for a couple of reasons - I would say the biggest one is their ease of integration. Also, the personal service - I feel like I’m still in the honeymoon stage, four years later, and it hasn’t changed. The culture is a fit, if I need help, they are there, I just love SavvyMoney!”

Melissa Frohlich, VP/Digital Banking Manager

“The entire process of partnering with SavvyMoney has been exceptional. I feel they are a true ally and always looking to improve the product. The Credit Union saw immediate member engagement and are pleased with the new loans obtained via this channel. We could not be happier!”

Denise O’Dell, Vice President, Automated Services

“We chose SavvyMoney to personalize lending, marketing, and education as a free member benefit within Online and Mobile Banking. They are the ideal partner that provides brand value, analytics, and tangible results. The team delivers, and then some!”

Nancy Porter, Vice President, Marketing

“SavvyMoney gave us their expert advice and showed us how to tactically implement a campaign. We followed their advice, and it began paying off immediately. I can’t thank the SavvyMoney team enough. They are entrepreneurial, experienced, super skilled, and 100% committed to your success. That’s what I call a real partner!”

Matthew Tully, VP of Marketing